We (RARIAN INTERACTIVE) strive to keep our software stable and reliable, but as a beta application, errors or downtime may occasionally occur. We regularly perform updates, aiming to minimize disruption by scheduling them during nighttime hours (Eastern Time, US).
By using this application and all *.rarian.com sites (gms.rarian.com / play.rarian.com / identity.rarian.com), you acknowledge and agree that we cannot be held responsible for any errors, bugs, or unexpected downtime that may impact your campaigns. While we do our best to ensure smooth operation, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted service.
The user is solely responsible for ensuring that the total value of prizes in any campaign does not exceed $5,000 USD. We do not track or enforce prize limits within the application, so please manage your campaigns accordingly. Additionally, the user is responsible for complying with all applicable regulations and laws related to prize giveaways in their location or state. We are not responsible for any issues related to prize distribution and redemption, including errors in QR codes, emails sent, or generation and distribution of playcodes.
Please ensure that all campaign details, including prize allocations, are accurately entered. We are not liable for any discrepancies, errors, or issues in prize distribution, whether caused by the system or user input.
Your use of this beta version signifies acceptance of these conditions. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continue to improve the application.